And if you feel that you are missing out on the action, then check if the above are in place!

If you are in business, the first thing you need is passion. Passion gets you places you aint never seen before! It reflects in the way you talk about your work, the product / service, your goals and your ability to perform. Without Passion, the chances a person may take you seriously are extremely limited.

This passion will spread – contagiously – through the people you meet, and the more you are able to talk effortlessly and as plainly as possible, the better the chances of you getting visibility of your services / product.

Nothing comes free, and a fee for networking through the right channels is the way to go today. Finding agencies like BNI, and the like are a boon to local businesses. Promotion is unlimited and propensity to grow, infinite!!

It is here that you understand the value of WOM, and referrals.

Online media is another need of the hour. The whose-who are online, looking for solutions for their problems. It could be basic like which quality of wood, or something as complex as the chemical formulation of the enzyme wash used for garments!

If your website is not user friendly and informative, chances are you are cutting your business down by MORE THAN HALF!

Do yourself a favour and ask me your questions and I will solve them for you, right now on this blog, it is free.. but the best things, as best said by Mr. Ledger as The Joker, “If you are good at something, then dont do it Free!”

Partha Srinivasan
Publicity and Gifting Solutions!

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