I have been playing a few games in the past 2 – 3 months. One of these were given to me by the good folks at PC World ME. When I got Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, I had no idea what I was getting into. The game seemed interesting. Kane & Lynch (the first one) was decent – so I am told but I was not sure. It was pegged to be like any other RPG FPS. So when I popped it into the console, I was a little apprehensive.
When it loaded up, it looked very plain. nothing fancy. A layered story line that allows multiple restarts from a checkpoint, and not very creative gameplay made for a short fix on the XBOX for me. I could not change my character, but moving through the timeline opened up a world of gun options. Unfortunately, that did not do it for me. I found the game play and the story line to be quite lame.
I still continued to play through nearly 2 levels of the game and found it quite repetitive (reload gun, sneak up on bad guys, shoot said bad guys, walk away). Each checkpoint took about 2 tries, since the AI was pretty slick and made completing it a little hard.
Anyway, here is the link to the video preview of what you can get if you decide to play it:
What the devil is RPG FPS?
@Mita: RPG FPS = Role Playing Game – First Person Shooter!