The Wonder Years

I love the running commentary and the expressions and the inane kiddish humour and the basic similarities i might have shared at some point or the other with my life in school!!!

The trailer:

Home Improvement 🙂

Another excellent serial that I miss 🙂 – the idiosyncracies of a man lost in own machoism – but can bare it all to his only-eyes-will talk neighbour!!!

God I miss it

The Trailer:

Doogie Howser M.D.

16 year old boy genius delivers kid in the mall 🙂

young prodigy 🙂

great show this!!!

The trailer:

Mind Your Language

Oh the English language – anyway it is so complicated – in an effort to simplify it, Mr Brown meets people from various countries and walks of life who just go to no end to ruin it!!!! Oh the hilarity of the situation….

The trailer:

Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot
I remember running home from school… All we had was DD and this was part of Fun Time along with a few others 🙂

The technical expertise by the Japs was worth the wait…

We would emulate Johnny and the Robot incessantly and it was a lot of fun – I miss this serial.. I miss my childhood

The Trailer:

Fraggle Rock
My aunt, my brother and I used to catch this on the weekends at her place when we had holidays – everything else would take a back seat for this show!!! oh we knew the title track for sometime – and now its just a blur – but the show is still a rocker 🙂

The Trailer:

AND this is not the end of the list but it sure is the cream of my favorite oldies 🙂

care to share your favourites???